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- *************************************************************
- * ONELINE 1.3.2 & ONELINE 1.3L by Vincenzo Barbarulo *
- *************************************************************
- Introduction
- ------------
- I've written this program because no freeware program on Aminet converts a
- text file in "One Line" only!.
- This new version with GUI, also have many others features. See below.
- The LIGHT version works only from shell.
- So, this program is useful when you want to import a text in a DTP or WP program
- and you want to put the text in a number of columns greater or different from
- the original text.
- In that case you have to go at the end-line, "DEL" last character and
- (not always) press "SPACE", for all the "end-line" of the text.
- OneLine do that for you and converts at one time CR,LF,TAB & dblSPACES!!
- #
- Requirements
- ------------
- For GUI Version:
- - Any Amiga with at least OS 3.0, or greater, and some Mb of RAM (!) if you want
- to convert/save big files into RAM. (see History)
- I don't know if OneLine works on OS 2.1
- - ReqTools.library by Nico Francois (AMINET, see Legal stuff) (included)
- - MPCenturyBold.type font by Manolis S. Pappas (AMINET, see Legal stuff) (included)
- optionally:
- - Multiview, EditPad, CygnuED in the path ->
- Multiview in "SYS:Utilities/" directory
- EditPad in "SYS:Tools/" directory
- if you want to show the ASCII files.
- NOTE about CygnusED:
- OneLine search for 'Ced' in the path.
- - OneLine Internal viewer needs only 'CON:' device mounted (!)
- - If OneLine don't find a viewer, -> check the path
- for Shell Version:
- Any Amiga :)
- #
- Installation:
- -------------
- Double Click on Install_OneLine icon.
- or
- Manually:
- type in shell:
- Lha -x x OneLine.lha RAM:
- cd RAM:
- Copy OneLine & OneLine.info -> ANY PATH
- Copy libs/ReqTools.library LIBS:
- Copy Fonts/#? FONTS: all
- Copy OneLine.doc HELP:
- If OneLine don't recognize the fonts, try to run
- Intellifont and/or FixFonts (in SYS:System)
- #
- Features
- --------
- - FREEWARE. No requesters and no expiry date.
- - Uses ReqTools.library
- - Detect CR, LF, TAB
- - Detect multiples spaces
- - Detect the spaces before comma
- - Add a space after comma if it isn't
- - Remove the characters non ASCII code 0-127
- - Show results of the conversion
- - Shortcuts for all the functions
- - Uses various viewers:
- Multiview, EditPad, CygnusED & OneLine internal (with CON:)
- - (very!) Simple print ASCII file
- - (This) HELP on line
- - Shortcuts on ListView in main Window
- - GUI, with gadtools.library (for compatibility with all machines)
- I've tested this program on my:
- A4000, CyberStormMKIII 060/50, 128Mb RAM, CVisionPPC, OS 3.5,
- HD9.1Gb ATLAS SCSI-UW, HD10.5Gb Samsung IDE, CanonBJC-4400,
- MustekParagon-1200SP, CDROM 48x
- and same A4000 but OS3.1
- Speed NOTE:
- On my A4000 OneLine converts and saves a file of ~600Kb of text in ~2 - ~2.5 secs
- and another of ~3500Kb in ~13 secs, but the speed depends by the file
- (number of the spaces and/or TAB). (LIGHT version)
- Speed NOTE 2:
- With only the CR-LF option OneLine is very fastest than CR-LF & others options,
- because jump many checks..
- #
- ------------
- |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|-> (any order)
- Type: Oneline <in_file_path> <out_file_path> -t -d -c . . . STDOUT
- <in_file_path> Name and path of the file to convert
- <out_file_path> Name and path of the destination file
- -t TAB option: if it's present, the program erases the TAB
- characters too
- -d Multiples Spaces Option: if it's present, the program
- erases the multiples spaces adjacents
- -c Comma OPTIMIZE: if it's ON, OneLine erases the spaces
- before the ',' chr. and add a space after ',' if isn't present.
- -l CR-LF option: if it's present, the program erases CR & LF
- characters (code).
- It's agreable to use with -L option together
- -p Leave Paragraph option: if it's present OneLine will
- work only IN the paragraph
- -e Error Checking: recognize the sequences :. ,: ,. etc.
- and change them (ask)
- -L With this option OneLine only CONVERTS CR to LF
- (don't erases CR: with the programs that don't recognizes the CR,
- the text seems to be the same of the original)
- -A ALL Options: if it's typed, OneLine add all options
- (like: -t -c -l -m -p -e or -tclmpe)
- STDOUT is the file "RAM:STDFile_OneLine.txt" that is used if
- isn't destination file specified
- NOTE: The options can be written all togethers like: -ctdl
- or separated: -t -d -l -c
- NOTE: You can open the GUI typing only the name of the program without any argument
- (i.e. "2.SYS:> ..path to../Oneline")
- #
- ---------
- Simply doubleclick on the icon...
- Gadgets:
- EXIT Exit with requester "yes - no"
- CloseWIN GAD Exit quiet
- Info Info about program and author
- Input FILE The file to be processed (string)
- ? requester
- Output FILE The OUTPUT file (string)
- ? requester
- Columns to The name of the file with the specified number of columns
- ? requester
- NOTE: Note that "Columns to" uses "Output FILE" field as INPUT and
- "Columns to" field as OUTPUT
- (saved with "Save with" number of columns)
- Save with Max. number of columns for the file in 'Columns To' field
- NOTE: If in the text ther're some TABS, the Text shown seem to be not
- formatted: this is because the TABS is 1 character too, like others,
- but take up more space...
- You should use 'Erase TAB' option to remove this 'problem'
- NOTE: To use this option, OneLine needs a valid entry
- in "Output FILE:" field: NOT the STDOUT file!!!
- Print Simply send the file selected, to PRT: one Character at the same
- ( about like " type <filename> >PRT:" from shell)
- GO Begin conversion
- Show(1,2,3) Show with the selected viewer
- Multiview,
- EditPad,
- CygnusED,
- OneLine The viewer used by 'Show' Gadgets
- NOTE: Multiview, EditPad & OneLine don't recognizes the CR, but only LF
- ALL Options Include all options
- AUTO View OneLine automatically show the files, at the end of conversion
- (with the 'Show with' viewer)
- CR-LF OneLine detect and remove CR & LF (convert to 'One'line only)
- Erase TAB OneLine detect and remove TABS
- Multiple-SPC OneLine detect and remove the consecutives spaces
- i.e.
- "The viewer used by 'Show' Gadgets" ->
- "The viewer used by 'Show' Gadgets"
- Check CHRS Convert the sequences of :. ,: ," etc.
- to -> one character inserted by the user
- Leave EOfPar Preserve the paragraph's separations
- Comma OPTIM. If checked, OneLine attach , . : ; to the precedent word;
- " ' to the respective word or phrase
- SPC at BEGIN With this option OneLine erases the (empty) spaces at begin
- of the line in the FORMATTED text. (Only in GUI version)
- CRtoLF With this option OneLine only CONVERTS CR to LF
- (don't erases CR: with the programs that don't recognizes the CR,
- the text seems to be the same of the original)
- See in 'example' dir for some examples
- #
- Legal stuff
- -----------
- - OneLine is freeware. It may be distributed freely as long as
- no modifications are made to the executable and to this document.
- ...but if you send me an EMail also empty(!) with the subject
- "OneLine user!" you make me greater!!!:
- only would i know how many peoples uses this program!
- OneLine uses these thirdy parts FREEWARE software:
- - ReqTools.library
- | © 1991-1994 by Nico François (nico@augfl.be)
- | © 1995-1997 by Magnus Holmgren (cmh@lls.se)
- |
- | Magnus Holmgren
- | Kvarnbergsvägen 5
- | S-444 47 Stenungsund
- |
- |http://uk.aminet.net/pub/aminet/util/libs/ReqToolsDev.lha (for developers)
- |http://uk.aminet.net/pub/aminet/util/libs/ReqToolsUsr.lha (for users)
- |___
- - MPCenturyBold.type © by Manolis S. Pappas
- |
- | Thermopilon 24
- | 14231 Nea Ionia
- | Athens HELLAS
- |
- |EMAIL: mpappas@ba.aegean.gr
- | infinity@acropolis.net
- |
- |ftp://main.aminet.net//systems/amiga/aminet/text/ifont/MPFonts3_AGFA.lha
- |___
- Compiled with VBCC.
- V0.8 (c) in 1995-2001 by Volker Barthelmann
- http://it.aminet.net/pub/aminet/dev/c/vbcc.lha
- #
- ----
- Nothing, at this moment!!
- If you find a bug please send me an Email with the subject
- "OneLine bug" and tell me your configuration.
- ( and the file with the 'text frame' that generate the conversion bug
- if it's a conversion bug ).
- #
- History
- -------
- 0.4 -(internal) Detect and remove only CR & LF chrs (23-Dec-2001)
- 0.6 -(internal) Detect and remove TAB chrs
- 0.9 -(internal) Detect end remove doubles (or > 2) spaces
- (convert n spaces in 1 space chrs)
- -Added "Show converted text" option
- -Added "? number of columns" label
- 1.0 First public release. (04-Jan-2002)
- -Added "number of CR, LF, TAB and Spaces removed" info
- -I have checked the files that generate the bug "B1" with DPU and other
- Hex-Dump Tools too and i don't find any CR chrs after OneLine usage...
- -Speed improvement (compiled with VBCC 0.8 ---faaaster!!---)
- 1.1 -Added Overwrite request
- -OneLine now allocate the needed memory before starting conversion
- -Added 'File length' infos
- -Added '-d' option to switch on/off the "Erase multiples spaces" feature
- -Added 'Comma Optimize' option: erases the spaces before commas and add
- one space after (comma) if isn't;
- i.e. "number of CR , LF ,TAB and Spaces removed"
- ||
- \/
- "number of CR, LF, TAB and Spaces removed"
- -Some speed emprovements (if it's used without the options)
- 1.2 -Rewritten the check of the options; now can type a line like this:
- "OneLine SYS:infile -tdc ram:outfile"
- -Added '-l' option to switch on/off the CR-LF erasing.
- -Added VERSION Tag
- -Added 'A' Option
- -Added check of the input file ( is ASCII ??).
- -Added ".", ":", ";" checks to the "Comma Option" (-c)
- -Added '-p[n]' to leave the begin/end Paragraph codes,
- and [n] lines beetween the paragraphs (thanks to D.Robb)
- -Added 'e' option to find a possible type error
- -Added 'File Protection' info & check
- 1.3 (25-Mar-2002)
- -Totally rewritten, except some conversion's functions
- -Added a GUI (thanks to Jon Peterson)
- -Added '"', ']', ')' to the 'Comma Option' (thanks to AntCer #)
- -Added 'Save TO' Option to Save the Converted text with the
- specified number of columns
- -Added 'Print' Option: only an easy print >PRT:
- -Added a "check & erase spaces" at line's begin
- (any new option: included in "Multiple-Spaces" option)
- -Removed [n] in 'p[n]' option to set the lines beetween
- the paragraphs; the option 'p' it's present always
- -Improved the checking with the 'e' & 'c' options
- 1.3.1 (05-Apr-2002)
- -Fixed a little bug in the installer:
- OneLine alwais said that your OS version it's bad
- (my error of typing: '48' instead '40' in version_check)
- -When the printer finds a CR, she don't go at NewLine,
- ...and overwrite the old line:
- isn't a bug, but, to avoid this, OneLine now
- print a "__CR__" string and go at NewLine.
- -Minor improvements and a smaller executable (48812 vs 51472)
- 1.3.2 (19-Apr-2002)
- -GUI section: various minors improvements & bug fixes;
- -Fixed a problem in the OneLine Internal Viewer
- (when a CR was found)
- -Bug: if the input file is too small, OneLine said that isn't ASCII.
- Fixed.
- -Bug: OneLine don't add a space before the first comma '"',
- if it is near a word.
- Fixed.
- -Smaller executable (44936 vs 48812)
- #
- ----------
- --> Nico Francois for ReqTools.library
- --> Manolis S. Pappas for MPFonts
- --> Volker Barthelmann for Vbcc
- ->>->> ...and Paochi (A1200T), AntCER(UAE), MrCiccio(A4000)
- ...for testing, suggestions ...and patience!!!
- #
- ME!
- ---
- Vincenzo Barbarulo
- C.so Mazzini
- Cava de' Tirreni (SA) 84013
- barbarulo.vince@infinito.it
- P.S.:sorry if my english isn't very good!!!!
- #